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Hi 👋, my name is Chris and I'm a fullstack engineer and designer. This site is all about sharing what I've learned.
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Learn from who?
Hi again 👋. I'm Chris D. MacRae, a fullstack engineer and designer whose been working with tech for over 10 years.
Teaching and mentorship has always been my passion, but doing it 1:1 doesn't scale. Thus, in 2023 my goal is to use this site to start providing more mentorship, training, and tutorials as possible, to as wide an audience as I possibly can.
I work at Careguide as Lead Engineer, where I coach a team of 8 engineers and 2 designers.
In my career I have had the privledge of working with Apple, Mastercard, Scotiabank, PostMedia, and many more.
Learn more about me, such as my favorite tools, my qualifications, or personal history.
Trusted by others
Obsessed with building things that solve problems
"Chris was amazing to work with and very few folks have a work ethic that matched his. Chris was great at picking up new toolkits and constantly obsessed with building things that solve problems. Chris was great at establishing relationships and reading between the lines to solve the problems today's average users faced, all the while finding ways to align business goals w/user goals. All in all a great individual to work with and for."

Alkarim Bhalesha
Product Designer